End Gabru Lyrics - B Bhatti, Harpreet Chawla
Title: End Gabru
Album: End Gabru
Singer: B Bhatti, Harpreet Chawla
Music: Romey singh
Lyricist: Karan Singh
Label: Red Crew Music
Category: Single Songs
Released: 07 October 2018
End Gabru Lyrics by B Bhatti,Harpreet Chawla, End Gabru song is sung by B Bhatti,Harpreet Chawla. End Gabru song lyrics are written by Karan Singh and music of new song is given by Romey singh. End Gabru Mp3 song promote by Red Crew Music and released on 07 October 2018 in Single Songs category.
End Gabru Lyrics
Mundeya Ch thook Rakhda Tera Gabru Aw Dil Ton Awara
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