Bye Bye Lyrics - Sukh Thind

Bye Bye Lyrics by Sukh Thind
Title: Bye Bye
Album: Bye Bye
Singer: Sukh Thind
Music: Dr beats
Lyricist: Sukh Thind
Label: Guru Records
Category: Single Songs
Released: 23 March 2018
Bye Bye Lyrics by Sukh Thind, Bye Bye song is sung by Sukh Thind. Bye Bye song lyrics are written by Sukh Thind and music of new song is given by Dr beats. Bye Bye Mp3 song promote by Guru Records and released on 23 March 2018 in Single Songs category.

Bye Bye Lyrics

Ni tera Shakk Hi teinu Lai K Beh gya Panga Jindgi Nu Umraan da Pai Gya Gall 100 di ek Snawa jahaaj Mera laind Sumji tere Wallon bye bye Hogyi te mere wallo End Sumji
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