Lg Da Rond Lyrics - Manni Joshi

Lg Da Rond Lyrics by Manni Joshi
Title: Lg Da Rond
Album: Lg Da Rond
Singer: Manni Joshi
Music: Harris Production
Lyricist: Jass Aulakh
Label: The Urban Tolla
Category: Single Songs
Released: 10 December 2016
Lg Da Rond Lyrics by Manni Joshi, Lg Da Rond song is sung by Manni Joshi. Lg Da Rond song lyrics are written by Jass Aulakh and music of new song is given by Harris Production. Lg Da Rond Mp3 song promote by The Urban Tolla and released on 10 December 2016 in Single Songs category.

Lg Da Rond Lyrics

odi takni jehi dnag dil utte marr di
menu suli oh chaar gayi
munda LG DE ROND ton na marda kudi aakhian nal mar gayi
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