Punjabi Music
Ho Janda E Pyar Jadon songs
Download Ho Janda E Pyar Jadon Mp3 Songs By Miss Pooja, Gora Chakwala and others...
: Ho Janda E Pyar Jadon
Miss Pooja
Gora Chakwala
and others...
: 10
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About Album:
Ho Janda E Pyar Jadon is a Punjabi Album by Miss Pooja, Gora Chakwala and others.... From here you can download all songs in HD quality. The songs can be downloaded in various mp3 formats like 48Kbps, 128Kbps, 320Kbps and zip from here
Track List (
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Bhagan Wala
(Miss Pooja)
[1.78 MB]
Din Kiven
(Gora Chakwala)
[1.82 MB]
(Miss Pooja)
[2.26 MB]
(Miss Pooja)
[1.76 MB]
Ho Janda E Pyar Jadon
(Gora Chakwala)
[2.12 MB]
Kehna Mann Lai
(Gora Chakwala)
[1.93 MB]
Na Mundeya
(Kuldeep Rasila)
[1.53 MB]
Pyar Ho Geya
(Miss Pooja)
[1.78 MB]
Rab Di Sonh
(Kuldeep Rasila)
[1.86 MB]
Sahan Di Sugandh
(S. Man)
[2.14 MB]
Play All Album Songs
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48 Kbps
128 Kbps
Artists in Album
Miss Pooja
Gora Chakwala
Kuldeep Rasila
S. Man
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